As someone who cares about your oral health, you wouldn’t settle for anything less than the best in dental care. And when it comes to your dental office, safety should be a top priority. But how do you find a dental office that goes above and beyond safety and quality requirements? One way is to look for dental offices that belong to the Client Honor Roll, a very elite group representing only 2% of dental offices. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the Client Honor Roll and how you can find safe dental offices that belong to this elite group.
What is the Client Honor Roll?
The Client Honor Roll is a designation created by Tom Terry Inc., the leading advocate for Patient Safety, to recognize dental offices that have established a level of excellence in patient care, patient service, and patient safety. The offices on the Client Honor Roll have committed to doing far above what is required by regulatory requirements, which often represent only the minimum standards. These offices have gone through a rigorous evaluation process that includes an evidence-based comprehensive site inspection to ensure they exceed government standards.
What are the benefits of going to a dental office on the Client Honor Roll?
The Client Honor Roll represents the best of the best in dental care. These dental offices have demonstrated a commitment to providing exceptional patient care, patient service, and patient safety. They are staffed by professionals who are passionate about reducing risk to patients, themselves, and the environment. When you go to a dental office on the Client Honor Roll, you can be confident that you are getting the highest quality care.
How do you find safe dental offices that belong to the Client Honor Roll?
To find dental offices that belong to the Client Honor Roll, you can start by using this website’s search function, which allows you to search for dental offices by city in Northern California. Once you find a dental office that belongs to the Client Honor Roll, you can be confident that you are getting the best possible care.
What should you look for in a dental office?
Safety should be a top priority when looking for a dental office. You should look for a clean, well-maintained dental office and up-to-date on the latest safety protocols. You should also look for a dental office with a friendly and knowledgeable staff passionate about patient care. Additionally, you should ensure that the dental office offers a wide range of services so that you can get all of your dental needs met in one place.