Not All Dental Offices Are Safe!

Not All Dental Offices Are Safe!

Every Dentist on Earth makes the Claim of “Patient Safe” However, thousands of evidence-based patient complaints and office inspections tell a different story.

Cutting corners to save a little money while placing employees and patients in harm’s way is becoming standard. Reusing “Single Use” (Disposables) patient treatment products is very common among dental offices. Cross-contamination prevention is becoming extinct!

Find a Safe Dental Office in Northern California

The Client Honor Roll is a designation created by Tom Terry Inc., the leading advocate for Patient Safety, to recognize dental offices that have established a level of excellence in patient care, patient service, and patient safety. The offices on the Client Honor Roll have committed to doing far above what is required by regulatory requirements, which often represent only the minimum standards. These offices have undergone a rigorous evaluation process that includes an evidence-based comprehensive site inspection to ensure they exceed government standards.

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